Friday 3 August 2012

August Horoscopes - the Olympics

It’s Olympics time, there is a mood of wild celebration thanks to a beautiful link between Uranus, the planet of brotherhood and progress, and Jupiter, guardian of civlization and its values.

There has never been a party quite like this one, indeed I was there for the final dress rehearsal of that all-singing all-dancing opening ceremony when Danny Boyle blew everyone’s socks off. Even Vladimir Putin was impressed and handed out a rare compliment before dashing off to celebrate a Russian win in Judo.

The timing for the beginning of the athletics could hardly be better with a full moon in Aquarius heralding this celebration of the common man, a theme very dear to the heart of the USA, and indeed the whole world. Great feats and prowess are called into being. The women road race cyclists are going like the wind down Putney High Street, the crowd is whooping and hanging out their countries’ flags, Lizzie Armistead from Team GB sweeps past me totally focused on that goal of a gold medal.

Down the Mall she comes within a bike length of the world champion, takes the silver and wonders where all that fearsome determination, exhilaration and sheer belief came from. This raising of the sights is a catching contagion, we are all touched by the human spirit in full flight, shooting for the moon.

So August brings us the chance to attend the great world party, the Mercury retrograde period ends on Aug 8, clearing up all those miscommunications that are likely to have been taking place in late July, it all works out in the end you learn. The new moon in Leo on Aug 17 is the perfect time for new beginnings, a link to both Mars and Saturn gives you the energy and determination to set a new course. It is perseverance which wins the race in the end, and this particular set-up does that perfectly, whatever you set your heart and sights on this new moon will be achievable, you only have to go for it, totally.

If you are familiar with your own birth chart it will be well worth checking out if you have any planets around 25 degrees of Leo, or in a similar degree in other signs, especially Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius, Libra and Gemini. The fresh new beginning that it heralds will have a special impact on you if you do have planets at this particular degree in the zodiac. It is also a blue moon month, a second full moon falls in Pisces on Aug 31, reminder if such were needed that this is the high point of the northern hemisphere summer and it is time to join in the great cavalcade of life taking place at a location very near you.

I cannot let all this mention of moons and their effects pass without the sad news I finally learnt about eight finger Eddie, a legendary figure from the scene in Goa, having passed on. For three months I was in the former seminary he rented in Goa and let anyone and everyone stay at for some nightly celebrations under the glorious full moons of a pollution free Goa. It was here that I had living evidence of the all encompassing power of the moon and the heavens, you could see it in the catch of the fishermen at each new and full moon.

They have probably been on the shoreline for thousands of years and know exactly where the fish are and when they can be found in abundance. And if you have never seen the stars in a light free beachscape you will be hardly aware of the great sweep of an arm of the Milky Way across the sky. Yet it is home, it is our galaxy, located in endless beautiful space. That was something Eddie imbibed, was why he spent the last 45 years of his life there.

To see and hear this early cosmic voyager take a look at
 use this link to see Eddie

Speak to you next month
Dave Ryan Your online astrologer

P.S. If you would like some input into how the new moon at 25 degrees of Leo will impact on your own chart, simply send me your birth details and I will search out to see if there are any close hits in your birth chart which are affected by this new moon.