Mars is very much in the news as December begins and the first findings
from analysis of the Martian soil by the Curiosity explorer robot are
NASA has today announced a new mission to the red planet as the buzz
grows in the space community about what exactly is the significance
of the extremely successful first experimental analysis results.
This is entirely appropriate when Mars has been making a close
conjunction with Pluto in the alignment it has as seen from planet
Pluto is the detective of the zodiac, it brings a laser beam focus to
the subject in hand and discovers information others have missed.
This may well mark a milestone in our understanding of the solar system.
Organic compounds found in the first Martian soil samples are consistent
with there having been, or still being, life forms which are based upon
carbon in their composition. As are we.
At the moment, NASA scientists cannot rule out accidental contamination
of the results from the robot itself, but the penny will drop soon, we
are getting further confirmation that life could actually be common
throughout the universe.
And that opens up a whole new way of looking at our place in the scheme
of things.
With the election out of the way in the USA, the portents are good for a
new bold vision to be enlivening the agenda as the year ends.
Uranus, the planet ruling scientific progress and humanitarian ideals,
turns direct at the time of the new moon on December 13, setting a new
tone of endeavor and invention to take us into the new year of 2013.
Suddenly the page has been turned, it is what is coming up that excites,
all the old fears begin to recede, change is welcomed and hope replaces
If you are wondering how all this affects your own prospects, you can
order your year ahead reading and get a very full and clear exposition
of your prospects and the influences that will be shaping your progress
in 2013.
Your reading takes two bites at the cherry. You get a report for what
your progressed chart indicates. This takes your birth chart and sees
how the influences shown there are likely to develop over the coming
This is a very revealing way of showing up long term trends
in a chart and how they are triggered for the coming year. It is
tracking how your destiny, as indicated by your birth chart, is being
The second look at your year ahead reading examines the current position
of the planets and how these impact on your birth chart placements of
the planets.
As the planets move around the solar system they trigger latent
abilities and talents which are waiting there in your birth chart to be
But it can take a sudden planetary alignment development to make them
explode into action, you should find that the switch of the planet
Uranus to direct motion on Dec 13 is one such likely stimulus for you to
embrace change and to set a whole new direction for yourself in 2013.
Where exactly transiting Uranus falls in your birth chart will determine
how you are affected by the onrushing developments in the world at
The pace of change continues to accelerate around the world, causing
excitement and alarm in equal proportion.
But your own particular angle on how you can make the most of these
stunning and dizzying events is best revealed by taking a a long hard
look at your birth chart and where Uranus is impacting upon it right
For your full year ahead reading, visit the horoscope order site
Enjoy the holidays
Dave Ryan
Your online astrologer
P.S. If you would like a quick insight on where Uranus will be impacting
your birth chart, simply send your birth details.
Star sign forecasts for December
The new moon falls in Sagittarius to begin an exhilarating fortnight as
Uranus turns direct and begins a fast forward motion to the future.
Innovations and inventions are all the rage as people seek out the
latest gadgets.
ARIES March 21- April 20
The new moon in Sagittarius makes you far more interested in what is
new, different and unusual as you experience a real turbo boost from
Uranus turning direct in your sign, it is in your best interests to do
what seems to come easy and not worry about what others think.
TAURUS April 21-May 21
The new moon in Sagittarius ups the pace as events take on a more
hurried and frenetic atmosphere but you are well able to ride the waves
and find some odd and strange moments of illumination about what is
really happening thanks to insights from Uranus turned direct.
GEMINI May 22-June 21
The new moon emphasizes your dealings with partners and people in
general as you get a new fix on what you can do to get more involved in
life all around you, some progressive and highly stimulating friends and
contacts open your eyes to new possibilities.
CANCER June 22-July 22
The new moon begins a two week phase where you are able to work out what
contribution you can make to the general welfare of those you know, in
your work, in your community, you have special skills which are much in
demand once you allow them to be seen.
LEO July 23-Aug 22
The new moon kicks off a two week period when you are much more able to
express your feelings and affections for loved ones, your grip on life
is enhanced as you find ways to enjoy and pleasure everyone in your
orbit, new horizons beckon for 2013.
VIRGO Aug 23-Sept 23
The new moon in Sagittarius begins a two week phase where you are able
to bring in fresh influences around the home and family that are to
everyone’s liking, the sudden appearance of unexpected visitors livens
up proceedings.
LIBRA Sept 24-Oct 23
The new moon in Sagittarius stimulates your thinking and makes you more
positive about making the most of your ideas as you detect interesting
trends in society and especially among the people you deal with, a
progressive atmosphere is taking root.
SCORPIO Oct 24-Nov 22
The new moon over the next few weeks alerts you to new financial
opportunities as you tune into the latest trends and make more use of
the latest systems, all of which helps you to be a real power house for
change in your workplace.
The new moon in your sign livens up your whole personality and makes you
a striking presence for the festivities and interactions with other
people step up a gear or two, you can make sudden and fascinating
contacts and friendships.
CAPRICORN Dec 23- Jan 20
The new moon falls in Sagittarius which makes you keenly aware of what
and who is going to give you a sense of fulfillment and illumination
over the holiday period, you could find that the home front gets
distinctly lively.
AQUARIUS Jan 21-Feb 18
The new moon over the rest of the year is going to be stimulating for
friendships and social involvements as you get swept along by the common
mood, you are fascinated by some of the people you meet up with.
PISCES Feb 19-March 20
The new moon over the coming two weeks helps you to raise your profile
and get noticed for all the right reasons as you show people what you
can do, there are some interesting new financial avenues opening up.
An Aug 25 2012 picture from Curiosity of the Martian surface.